Tiered Pricing

Tiered Pricing Tickets

Weathervane Playhouse believes everyone in our community should have access to theatre.

In order to make theatre more accessible to our community, Weathervane Playhouse offers community outreach programs to remove the barriers that sometime stand between our neighbors and great theatre- whether those barriers are financial or simply a fear of the risk involved in trying something new.

Tiered Pricing

WHAT: Tiered Pricing tickets are a limited group of tickets for performances at Weathervane. Ticket prices range from $5.00 to $20.00. Once tickets are gone in a price level, no other tickets will be added.

WHEN: A limited number of tickets will be available for certain performances. Bookmark this page, follow us on Social Media, or sign-up for our E-Mail Newsletter to be the first to know which performances will have Tiered Pricing tickets available. Tiered Pricing tickets are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and sell out quickly.

  • The Fall of the House of Usher – TBD
  • Pride & Prejudice – TBD

HOW: Once we announce Tiered Pricing tickets are available, simply purchase them by calling the Box Office at 740-366-4616 or stopping by during Box Office hours. (If calling the Box Office, please state you would like the Tiered Pricing tickets.) You may request up to two reserved, unassigned – but guaranteed – seats. On the day of the show, you will simply pick-up your tickets at Will Call, then enjoy the show!

WHY: We believe everyone should have access to the Arts, and theatre specifically. By offering Tiered Pricing tickets, we are hoping to pave an easy path for everyone to experience theatre at least once.

WHO: We welcome everyone in our community, whether this is your first – or one-hundredth – visit to Weathervane Playhouse.


May I choose my seats? While you will have guaranteed seats for the performance, the seats are all assigned by Weathervane’s Box Office staff on the day of the performance. Our intimate theatre is laid out in such a way, there isn’t a “bad” seat in the house. (If you require wheelchair accessible seating, please call the Box Office).

What’s the catch? We simply ask people who enjoy our shows to tell your friends and neighbors about us!

Will everyone know I have a Tiered Pricing ticket? Not at all! Tiered Pricing tickets are the same as all other tickets. By seating recipients throughout the theatre, there isn’t a “special section” singling anyone out.